Temple of Life

A living prayer

"Wat is de dankbaarheid groot. Mijn buik en hart gloeit nog na. Wat een mooi event, met zoveel zorg georganiseerd. Je kon de liefde voelen, je kon de liefde proeven.  Een wondermooie ervaring, een eerste tempel om nooit meer te vergeten."

"Ik werd maandagochtend wakker met de woorden, remember why you came here, remember your life is Sacred…. En zo heb ik me de tempelavond ook ervaren, Sacred…."

"Ik heb hier thuis al staan dansen, lachen, huilen.  Ik voel me soms 4 seizoenen in 1 dag.  Alle soorten emoties gieren door mijn lijf, maar vooral, ik voel me heel diep verbonden met mezelf."

"Ik heb me heel veilig, warm, geliefd en gedragen gevoeld.  Een diepe dankjewel hiervoor."

"Best temple organisers i've encountered, if you have any doubts on attending future events from them , consider this message as a resounding yes in listening to your feeling that brought you here."

"Fijn, heel veilig, helend, betrokken mensen en heel veel fun!"

To connect, love & remember.

A space where we belong, and where we come alive.
Where we experience life in its full expression.
Where we remember our nature and the magical beings that we are.

A place to be.
To deeply connect.
To pray.
To play.
To love.
To remember.
Life force as our medicine.

In devotion to love and life itself.

The Temple is here for you to deeply meet yourself and Life. Through the eyes of another. In love, truth and devotion/connection. To experience your embodied essence.


Walking into the mystery. Discovering the unknown. Meeting the unseen. Opening the senses wide. Allowing life to move through you. Enjoying the pleasure of existence.

A sanctuary where all of you is welcome

Where you have the divine permission slip to meet your desire
Where you are invited into sovereignty
To explore & deepen your relationship with Self & others.
Where you can let down your guards
Where you can feel Home
Where everything can be exactly as it is.

Together we co-create a field to remember.
To deeply connect with the body’s wisdom.
To dance with nature’s elements.
To worship the body as an act of pure love. To welcome our erotic innocence.
To meet our godly nature.
& To deepen into the essence of Love.

To make love from soul to soul & Remember the Joy of being alive